There are those folks who are so confident in the LORD that no matter what happens, they know they will be alright. I have met a few of these souls and I’m both awed and convicted by their testimonies.

Why? Because I am not one of those blessed souls. At least, not by nature. When I’m caught off-guard by a trial or tribulation or testing, my nature is to fear. That default reaction of fear is caused from experiences in my past—scary things that happened to me and others.

If a problem arises, my nature is to seek ways to solve it myself rather than go to the LORD first. That first inclination stems from being so long accustomed to fending for myself.

When God asks me to do something, my nature is to either say that I can’t, or sadly, that I won’t. Or I attempt the request on my own without His guidance. That is my nature.

But that is not the truth of who I am as a child of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And it is not where I am confined to remain.

“Now what do you think? A man had two sons, and he went to the first and said, ‘Son, go work in the vineyard today.’

The son answered, ‘I won’t,’ but afterward he had a change of heart and went.

The man went to the second son and said the same thing. But he answered, ‘I will, sir,’ And didn’t go.

Which of the two did the will of the father?”

“The first,” they [the ruling priests and elders] said.

Matthew 21:28-31 TLV*

In this parable, Jesus recognizes our nature. Especially those of us with a past—sinful and broken. The first son’s response when asked to work in the vineyard, was, “No way.” But then later, he rethinks that default response and does what his father asks of him.

So, I have a choice. I can follow my nature, or I can stop, turn around and follow the truth. The truth that The Creator of the Universe, who went out of His way to make me His child by sacrificing His Son, loves me.

And when He asks me to trust Him that no matter what comes my way, I am still loved. That means, I must still act like His kid—not some wild person who follows their fears and emotions.

It’s a no brainer, right? Yet still I struggle.

That’s why I read and meditate and post passages of faith and truth that remind me each day, to be confident in this mighty, loving God who knows me. So that I can discern the difference between my nature’s lie and His truth. I know that even a mustard seed of faith and trust can move that mountain of fear or anger or anything that seeks to separate me from His love through Messiah Yeshua.

If my journey helps others, then I am doubly blessed.

Heavenly Father, my nature may say, “no,” but my nature lies. I chose to follow Your truth. Even if it takes me a while to get there. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

This article originally posted on Arise Daily Devotions, owned by the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA).

Join the conversation: What are some ways you hold tight to faith when you feel afraid?

About the author: 

Award-winning author and beloved speaker Terri Gillespie writes stories of faith and redemption to nurture souls. Her novels, devotionals, and blogs have drawn readers to hunger for a deeper relationship with their Heavenly Father, and His Son Jesus. Her newest novel, Sweet Rivalry, releases later this year.

Her latest release: Sweet Rivalry

Just an ordinary morning for Sarah Sweeting—watching her favorite baking show, Cupcake Rivalry, getting ready for work at her Granny’s small-town bakery. All that changes when Sarah spots a contestant who looks like her, sounds like her, moves like her.

Was this her twin sister? The twin her mother ran away with twenty years ago? Were hers and Granny’s prayers finally being answered?

When Granny confirms Sarah’s shocking discovery, Granny suffers a heart attack.

Raven Souwer’s morning began at a frenzied pace—incessantly ringing phones and a Beverly Hills’ bakery full of customers. All because everyone wants to catch a glimpse of the Cupcake Rivalry contestants—Raven and her best friend, Will Durning.

But a phone call from an excited woman who claims to be Raven’s long-lost sister—a sister Raven has no memory of—informs Raven that a grandmother she never knew was in the hospital.

The call changes the course of Raven’s life and brings up the pain she thought she’d overcome.

Will Sarah and Raven finally be united, or will other rivalries separate them again?

*Scripture taken from The Tree of Life Version, Copyright © 2023 Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society | DBA: Tree of Life Bible Society is a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit organization. All rights reserved.

Unpacking the Emotional Baggage That Weakens Relationships Faith Over Fear

We all have emotional baggage clogging the suitcases in our souls. Unprocessed pain from childhood and past relationships distorts our perceptions, weakens our trust, and often leads to out-of-proportion reactions. In this episode, relationship coach Dana Che Williams joins Jennifer Slattery to discuss common signs of emotional baggage and ways we can begin to unpack those things that aren't serving us or our relationships.  (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions.) Resources mentioned:  The Best of You by Dr. Allison Cook  (Here Jennifer's discussion with Allison here.) Relationship Connection Quiz (on Dana's Website) Find Dana Che Williams at: Her website Instagram Facebook YouTube Rebuilding Us Podcast Find Jennifer Slattery at: On her website Instagram Facebook Amazon Subscribe to her free newsletter Join the private Faith Over Fear Facebook Group  Discussion/reflective questions: What resonated with you most in this episode? What relational patterns have you noticed in your life? What relational patterns have you noticed in your family of origin? How challenging do you find it to trust others? When do you most tend to react strongly? Do you notice a pattern that might point to unprocessed pain? When navigating relational challenges might it be helpful to get help from someone with relationship training? Why is it important to seek God's wisdom and perspective regarding our behavior and relationships? What is one step God might want you to take, having listened to this episode?     Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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