In Honor of An Amazing Woman

dianaThere are some people in life that you wish you knew. That you know, had you had the time to connect with them over coffee, or to simply overhear their daily conversations, you’d be better. Stronger. More impactful. Because impactful people inspire others to be impactful.

I regret to say, I didn’t know Diann Hunt, other than what I read on her blog or what I saw on Facebook. And quite honestly, I didn’t really start to pay attention until I learned the devastating news… She had ovarian cancer. Having a grandmother who died from that silent killer, I worried how this author’s fight might end.

But more than that, I marveled at the way she fought. Not so much how she fought the disease itself, but how she fought all those other things that can accompany terminal illness, those things like:




Withdrawal and isolation

She might have “lost” her valiant fight against cancer, but she went home victorious, for even when the claws of death sank deep into her frail frame, she prevailed, and showed the world what it means to have a peace that surpasses understanding, a love that extends far beyond ones self, and a joy based on something much more eternal, much more real, than anything we can grab hold of in this sin ravished world.

She showed the world what Christianity is all about. It’s one thing to say you have faithdelight yourself3 when the blessings abound. It’s another thing entirely to not only cling to that faith but radiate it from your very core when your world falls apart. She lived that which she wrote about.

That was the type of faith Diann had, and her impact will not soon be forgotten.

Today, the ACFW community honors this precious woman of the faith.

To read more about Diann Hunt, her life, her writing, and the impact she made on so many, visit the following blogs:

Trish Perry:
Julie Arduini:

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