True Significance – Guest post by Tina Yeager

I would add to the above quote by saying, every act, big or small, done in obedience to Christ, has eternal, transformative purpose–even when we don’t see the results.

True Significance

by Tina Yeager

I gazed at the ceiling this morning. The vacant square footage reminded me of those blank spaces remaining where I had hoped to check off accomplishments. I asked the Lord if I had done anything significant during the past two decades of my career, volunteer work, and community. The ceiling glared back as a reminder of my limited reach.

Twenty years of effort should have produced more measurable outcomes. Yet I still earned nothing and wondered if my work touched those who needed support. Could I continue sharing inspiration in person or on camera without any sign of impact? How can I justify work without revenue? Typing additional pages to add to the mountains of unpublished pages that no one may read proved harder each day.

Then I realized how humanistic my logic had become. My concerns and measure of success all centered upon what I could see and believed I had done so far. I stretched my hands before the Lord to reorient my soul. My life, what it is and what comes from it are not my own.

I am yours, Lord. I am yours.

The validity of my life has never depended upon human assessments. Jesus established my purpose before my birth. He masters any measurements or accounting of actual consequence. The Lord prescheduled the number of my days. He allotted provision for all the work He designated for me. No matter what challenges I perceived, my Savior has sustained me through them.

The Lord calls me as His disciple to serve in faith. My opportunities to serve remain as long as I breathe and choose to submit my life to Him. I pray that the Holy Spirit will empty me of my self-focus with all its insecurities, resistance, and doubt. I ask Jesus to fill me with more of Himself. May the Lord sculpt me into His vessel. Shape me into Jesus’ image. And present me as one who devotes all I am to Him.

If any part of my life amounts to anything, that’s up to Jesus. My concern is surrendering to him, obeying his call every moment, every day. Whether or not I see significance. Even if I never see an income or audience worth measuring. I am not meant to be the significant one, after all. Nor is my work. He alone is significant. The full places and blank spaces are his. Not my own.

His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of the warrior; the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. Psalm 147:10-11 NIV

Get to Know Tina:

Award-winning author, licensed therapist, speaker, and life coach, Tina Yeager hosts the Flourish-Meant podcast, Flourish Today radio show, and publishes Inkspirations Online.

Licensed as a counselor since 2005, she has decades of experience teaching parenting to at-risk families, writing skills, emotional healing, and spiritual growth. Look for her online course, Subdue Stress and Anxiety.

Yeager has won over thirty awards and serves with Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Word Weavers, STRUCK digital streaming series, and Christian Women in Media Association.

Look for her award-winning titles, Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose (Bold Vision Books, Fall 2022) and Beautiful Warrior: Finding Victory Over the Lies Formed Against You.

For life coaching or to book her as an event speaker, check out

Catch my conversation with her on the Faith Over Fear podcast HERE.

How God Brings Good Through Wilderness Seasons Faith Over Fear

We all have seasons of our lives where we wonder if we have purpose and fear we're aimlessly roaming about without clear direction. In those periods, God may seem silent or His direction unclear. This can create intense anxiety and discouragement. But God always has a plan, is always leading us toward His very best, and is always equipping us for the journey that's still ahead. Listen to hear how He did this in King David's life, and in host Carol McCracken's as well.  (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions.) Find Carol McCracken: On her website  On Facebook On Instagram Find Jennifer Slattery: On her website Instagram Facebook Amazon Subscribe to her free newsletter Join the private Faith Over Fear Facebook Group  Discussion/Reflective Questions: What resonated with you most in this episode? How would you describe a wilderness season? What do you feel makes wilderness seasons so challenging? How can wilderness seasons deepen our faith? How might reflecting upon God's heart, power, character and promises help us endure wilderness seasons? Why is it important to live with integrity in every season? What is one action step God might be askign you to take, having listened to this episode? Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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  2. Unpacking the Emotional Baggage That Weakens Relationships
  3. Experiencing God's Faithfulness – No Matter What
  4. Courageously Pursuing Our God-Given Calling
  5. Building Moxie in the Face of Pain

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